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Radical Strokes: 4
Additional Strokes: 17
Total Strokes: 20
Simplified Form:


Pinyin: chàn
Cantonese: caam3
JapaneseKun: KUIRU
JapaneseOn: ZAN SAN
Korean: CHAM
Vietnamese: sám

Dictionary definitions

Unicode: regret, repent; confess sins

CE-Dict: feel remorse/regret/repent

Soothill: kṣamayati (क्षमयति), "to ask pardon"; to seek forgiveness, patience or indulgence, kṣamā (क्षमा) meaning patience, forbearance, tr. as 悔過 repentance, or regret or error; also as confession. It especially refers to the regular confessional service for monks and for nuns.

21 Century bidirectional dictionary: repent

康熙字典文字版 【卯集上】【心字部】 懺
【廣韻】楚鑑切【集韻】【韻會】叉鑑切,𠀤音𩟶。【集韻】悔也。或从言。 又【韻補】自𨻰悔也。懺悔。見釋典。

Ding Fubao - Dictionary for Buddhist Studies (丁福保:佛學大辭典) (術語)梵語懺摩Ks!amayati之略。悔過之義。茶香室叢鈔十三曰:宋錢易南部新書雲:懺之始,本自南齊竟陵王,因夜夢往東方普光王如來所,聽彼如來說法。後因述懺悔之言。覺後,即賓席梁武王融謝眺沈約共言其事,王因R乃述成竟陵集二十篇,懺悔一篇。後梁武得位,思懺六根罪業,即將懺悔一篇。召真觀法師慧式,廣演其文,非是為郗後所作。按今竟陵王集有淨住子三十一篇,內第三篇,為滌除三業門。其文雲:滅苦之要,莫過懺悔。懺悔之法,先當潔其心,淨其意,端其形,整其貌,恭其身,肅其容雲雲。豈即所謂懺悔篇乎?

陳義孝佛學常見辭彙 梵語懺摩的簡稱,是悔過的意思。

CF-Dict: se repentir