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Radical Strokes: 4
Additional Strokes: 5
Total Strokes: 9


Pinyin: xīng
Cantonese: seng1 sing1
JapaneseKun: HOSHI
JapaneseOn: SEI SHOU
Korean: SENG
Vietnamese: tinh

Dictionary definitions

Unicode: a star, planet; any point of light

CE-Dict: star/satellite/small amount

Soothill: Tara, a star; the 25th constellation consisting of stars in Hydra; a spark.

21 Century bidirectional dictionary: 1.a star
2.a heavenly body
3.minute things

朗道漢英字典 - Lang Dao: bit; omphalos; particle; star
【醫】 astro-; star; stella

懶蟲簡明漢英詞典: star; bit; particle; heavenly body

湘雅醫學專業詞典: astro-;star;stella

康熙字典文字版 【辰集上】【日字部】 星
〔古文〕𠻖曐𤽛皨【唐韻】【集韻】【韻會】桑經切【正韻】先靑切,𠀤音腥。【說文】萬物之精,上爲列星。从晶生聲。一曰象形。从口。古口復注中,故與日同。【釋名】星,散也,列位布散也。【書·堯典】曆象日月星辰。【傳】星,四方中星。又【洪範】五紀,四曰星辰。【傳】二十八宿迭見,以敘節氣。【又】庶民惟星,星有好風,星有好雨。【傳】星,民象,箕星好風,畢星好雨。【史記·天官書】星者,金之散氣。【註】五星五行之精,衆星列布,體生於地,精成於天,列居錯行,各有所屬。在野象物,在朝象官,在人象事。【前漢·天文志】經星常宿中外官,凡百七十八名,積數七百八十三星,皆有州國官宮物類之象。【淮南子·天文訓】日月之淫氣精者爲星辰。 又星星,猶點點也。【謝靈運詩】星星白髮垂。 又草名。戴星、文星、流星,皆穀精草別名。【本草綱目】此草生穀田中,莖頭小白花,點點如亂星。 又姓。【廣韻】《羊氏家傳》曰:南陽太守羊續,娶濟北星重女。

Buddhism words and phrases star


CF-Dict: étoile

Han-De-Dict: Stern, Planet (u.E.) (S)/Xing (u.E.) (Eig, Fam)