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Radical Strokes: 4
Additional Strokes: 5
Total Strokes: 9


Pinyin: bǐng
Cantonese: beng3 bing3
JapaneseKun: E GARA TSUKA
JapaneseOn: HEI HYOU
Korean: PYENG
Vietnamese: bính

Dictionary definitions

Unicode: handle, lever, knob; authority

CE-Dict: handle or shaft (of an axe etc)/(of a flower, leaf or fruit) stem/sth that affords an advantage to an opponent/classifier for knives or blades

Soothill: A handle; authority, power.

21 Century bidirectional dictionary: 1.[Botany] a stem
2.power; authority
3.the handle handle; to operate

21 Century bidirectional science and technology dictionary: arm - 機
manubrium - 動
pedicel - 植
petiole - 昆 植
shank - 植 機
stalk - 生物
stem - 科技

朗道漢英字典 - Lang Dao: handle; hold; haft; handgrip; stem; stipe
【醫】 handle; holder; manubrium; petiole; petiolus; porte; scapus; shaft

懶蟲簡明漢英詞典: handle; stem; power; authority

湘雅醫學專業詞典: -phore;caul-;cauli-;caulo-;foot stalk;haft;hand lever;handhold;hold;holder;keeper;manubrium;pedicel;petiole;porte;shaft;shank;stalk;stipe;stock

說文解字 - Shuowen: 《木部》柄 柯也。从木丙聲。

康熙字典文字版 【辰集中】【木字部】 柄
【唐韻】【集韻】【韻會】【正韻】𠀤陂病切,兵去聲。一作棅。【說文】柯也。【周禮·冬官考工記】秦無盧。【註】戈戟柄。 又爵豆之屬亦有柄。【禮·祭統】尸酢夫人執柄。【管子·弟子職】進柄尺。 又本也。【易·下繫】坤爲地爲柄。 又權也。【左傳·襄二十三年】旣有利權,又執民柄。 又【韓非子·二柄篇】二柄𠛬德也。 又山名。【山海經】柄山,其上多玉。 又通枋。詳枋字註。 又通秉。斗柄。【史記·天官書】作斗秉。 又【集韻】補永切,音丙。持也。 又【唐韻】【古音】必漾切。義同。

CF-Dict: manche/poignée/tige/pédoncule

Han-De-Dict: Berechtigung, Handgriff, Griff (u.E.) (S)/behandeln, handeln (u.E.) (V)