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Radical Strokes: 4
Additional Strokes: 5
Total Strokes: 8


Pinyin: gān, hàn
Cantonese: gam1
JapaneseOn: KAN GON
Korean: KEM

Dictionary definitions

Unicode: water from washing rice to boil thick, as gruel

CE-Dict: slop from rinsing rice

21 Century bidirectional dictionary: 1.the water from washing rice
2.a way of cooking
3.(said of food) stale

說文解字 - Shuowen: 《水部》泔 周謂潘曰泔。从水甘聲。

康熙字典文字版 【巳集上】【水字部】 泔
【唐韻】古三切【集韻】【韻會】【正韻】沽三切,𠀤音甘。米汁也。【博雅】泔,潘瀾也。【說文】周謂潘曰泔。 又【荀子·大略篇】曾子食魚有餘,曰泔之。【註】泔者,烹和之名。 又【集韻】戸感切,音頷。滿也。【揚雄·甘泉賦】秬鬯泔淡。【註】泔淡,滿也。一曰泔淡,水貌。 又別作澉。

CF-Dict: résidus provenant du rinçage du riz