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Radical Strokes: 5
Additional Strokes: 4
Total Strokes: 9


Pinyin: guǐ
Cantonese: gwai3
JapaneseKun: MIZUNOTO
JapaneseOn: KI
Korean: KYEY
Vietnamese: quý

Dictionary definitions

Unicode: 10th heavenly stem

CE-Dict: tenth of 10 heavenly stems 十天干/tenth in order/letter "J" or roman "X" in list "A, B, C", or "I, II, III" etc/deca

21 Century bidirectional dictionary: 1.the 10th of the ten Heavenly Stems which in combination with the twelve Earthly branches were used by the ancient Chinese to designate years, months, and dates

朗道漢英字典 - Lang Dao: 【醫】 da; deca-; deka-

湘雅醫學專業詞典: da-deka-;deca;deka;Dk

說文解字 - Shuowen: 《癸部》癸 冬時,水土平,可揆度也。象水從四方流入地中之形。癸承壬,象人足。凡癸之屬皆从癸。

康熙字典文字版 【午集中】【癶字部】 癸
〔古文〕𤼩【唐韻】居誄切【集韻】【韻會】頸誄切【正韻】古委切,𠀤規上聲。十幹之末。【說文】冬時水土平,可揆度也。【正韻】癸者,歸也。於時爲冬,方在北,五行屬水,五運屬火。【史記·律書】癸之爲言,揆也。言萬物可揆度也。【前漢·律歷志】𨻰揆于癸。 又歲月日名。【爾雅·釋天】太歲在癸曰昭陽。月在癸曰極。【禮·月令】孟冬之月,其日壬癸。【註】日之行,東北從黑道,閉藏萬物,月爲之佐,時萬物懷任于下,揆然萌芽,又因以爲日名焉。 又呼庚癸,軍中隱語也。【左傳·哀十三年】吳申叔儀乞糧于公孫有山氏,對曰:若登首山以呼曰庚癸乎,則諾。【註】庚,西方主穀。癸,北方主水。【疏】軍中不得出糧與人,故作隱語爲私期也。 又天癸,天乙所生之癸水。【黃帝素問】女子二七,而天癸至。【方書】男之精,女之血,先天得之以成形,後天得之以有生,故曰天癸。 又姓。【姓苑】出齊癸公,後宋癸仲知嚴州軍。 【說文】本作癸,象水从四方流入地中之形。癸承壬,象人足。【六書正譌】交錯二木,度地以取平也。義同準。篆从二木,象形。因聲借爲壬癸字。隸別作癸揆楑,𠀤通。

CF-Dict: car. cycl.

Han-De-Dict: Decyl, Decylgruppe (S, Chem)/der zehnte der zehn "Himmelsstämme" des chinesischen Kalenders (S)/Gui (Eig, Fam)