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Information about character(s)

Radical Strokes: 5
Additional Strokes: 2
Total Strokes: 7


Pinyin: yǐ, xián
Cantonese: ji5
JapaneseOn: I
Korean: UY
Vietnamese: hỉ

Dictionary definitions

Unicode: particle of completed action

CE-Dict: classical final particle, similar to modern 了[le5]

Soothill: A particle of finality, pronounced yi, used in 矣栗馱 hṛd (ह्ड़्द्), the heart; the essence of a thing.

21 Century bidirectional dictionary: 1.(used in old times) a function word expressing perfect tense
2.(used in old times) an interjection

說文解字 - Shuowen: 《矢部》矣 語已詞也。从矢以聲。

康熙字典文字版 【午集中】【矢字部】 矣
〔古文〕𠤘【唐韻】【集韻】于己切【韻會】羽已切【正韻】養里切,𠀤音𦮸。【說文】語已辭也。【徐曰】矣者,直疾。今試言矣,則出氣直而疾會意。【柳宗元曰】決辭也。 又叶于姬切,音依。【詩·小雅】徹我牆屋,田卒汙萊。曰予不戕,禮則然矣。萊音釐。 【正字通】通作巳。音以。與已別。

CF-Dict: (finale) : c'est tout

Han-De-Dict: Partikel (der klassischern chinesischen Sprache, ähnlich dem heute gebrauchten了lè, zeigt Vollendung eines Vorgangs an ) (u.E.)