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Radical Strokes: 5
Additional Strokes: 4
Total Strokes: 8


Pinyin: xiān
Cantonese: jiu1
JapaneseOn: KEN TEN
Korean: CHEN

Dictionary definitions

Unicode: Ormazda, god of the Zoroastrians; extended to god of the Manicheans

CE-Dict: Ormazda, the Sun God of the Zoroastrians and Manicheans/the Sun God

Soothill: Xian, commonly but incorrectly written 祅 a Western Asian name for Heaven, or the 天神 God of Heaven, adopted by the Zoroastrians and borrowed later by the Manicheans; also intp. as Maheśvara.

說文解字 - Shuowen: 《示部》祆 胡神也。从示天聲。

康熙字典文字版 【午集下】【示字部】 祆
【廣韻】呼烟切,音詽。【說文】關中謂天爲祆。 又【集韻】他年切,音天。又【集韻】【韻會】𠀤馨烟切,音暄。【正韻】虛延切,音軒。義𠀤同。 又官名。唐官品有祆正。

Han-De-Dict: Ormazda/Ormuzd/Ahura Mazda, Licht-und Schöpfer-Gott der Feueranbeter (Parsismus / Zoroastrismus) (u.E.)