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Information about character(s)

Radical Strokes: 5
Additional Strokes: 13
Total Strokes: 18
Simplified Form:


Pinyin: qiào
Cantonese: hiu3 kiu3
JapaneseKun: ANA
JapaneseOn: KYOU
Korean: KYU
Vietnamese: khíu

Dictionary definitions

Unicode: hole, opening, aperture

CE-Dict: hole/opening/orifice (of the human body)/(fig.) key (to the solution of a problem)

21 Century bidirectional dictionary: aperture
2.a key to something

朗道漢英字典 - Lang Dao: a key to do sth.; aperture; hole

懶蟲簡明漢英詞典: a key to do sth.; aperture; hole

湘雅醫學專業詞典: orrifice

說文解字 - Shuowen: 《穴部》竅 空也。从穴敫聲。

康熙字典文字版 【午集下】【穴字部】 竅
【廣韻】【正韻】苦弔切【集韻】【韻會】詰弔切,𠀤音𢶡。【說文】穴也,空也。【禮·禮運】地秉陰竅于山川。【疏】謂地秉持于隂氣,爲孔于山川,以出納其氣。【周禮·天官】兩之以九竅之變。【註】陽竅七,隂竅二。【疏】七者在頭露見,故爲陽。二者在下不見,故爲隂。 又凡藥以滑養竅。【疏】凡諸滑物通利往來似竅,故以養之。【山海經】貫胷國,其爲人胷有竅。
考證:〔【禮·禮運】地秉竅于山川。〕 謹照原文地秉下增陰字。

CF-Dict: trou/orifice

Han-De-Dict: aufklappend, eröffnen (u.E.)/Intelligenz (u.E.) (S)