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Pinyin: yuàn, yuán
Cantonese: jyun4
JapaneseOn: EN
Korean: YEN TAN
Vietnamese: duyên

Dictionary definitions

Unicode: hem, margin; reason, cause; karma, fate

CE-Dict: cause/reason/karma/fate/predestined affinity/margin/hem/edge/along

Soothill: pratyaya (प्रत्यय) means conviction, reliance, but with Buddhists especially it means 'a co-operating cause, the concurrent occasion of an event as distinguished from its proximate cause'. M.W. It is the circumstantial, conditioning, or secondary cause, in contrast with 因 hetu (हेतु), the direct or fundamental cause. hetu (हेतु) is as the seed, pratyaya (प्रत्यय) the soil, rain, sunshine, etc. To reason, conclude. To climb, lay hold of. The mind 能緣can reason, the objective is 所緣, the two in contact constitute the reasoning process. The four kinds of causes are 因緣; 次第緣; 緣緣, and 增上緣 q.v.

English-Chinse-English Dictionary of Buddhist terms (Stardict): Condition 緣 There is no existing phenomena that is not the effect of dependent origination. All phenomena arise dependent upon a number of casual factors called conditions.

21 Century bidirectional dictionary: 1.reason
2.brink; edge; fringe
3.(to move) along

21 Century bidirectional science and technology dictionary: costa - 植
limbus - 生物
margin - 科技

朗道漢英字典 - Lang Dao: along; edge; predestined relationship; reason
【醫】 acies; border; brim; edge; fringe; labrum; limbus; margin; margines
margo; ora; rim

懶蟲簡明漢英詞典: along; edge; predestined relationship; reason; costa

湘雅醫學專業詞典: edge;fringe;lip

說文解字 - Shuowen: 《糸部》緣 衣純也。从糸彖聲。

康熙字典文字版 【未集中】【糸字部】 緣
【廣韻】以絹切【集韻】【韻會】余絹切,𠀤音願。【說文】衣純也。【禮·深衣】純袂緣,純邊,廣各寸半。【註】緣,緆也。【前漢·公孫弘傳】緣飾以儒術。【註】譬之於衣加純緣者。 又【廣韻】與專切【集韻】余專切,𠀤音沿。【玉篇】因也。 又循也。【孟子】猶緣木而求魚也。 又順也。【莊子·養生主】緣督以爲經。 又夤緣,連絡也。【韓愈·古意】靑壁無路難夤緣。 又【廣韻】吐亂切。與褖同。【周禮·天官·內司服】緣衣。【註】此緣衣者,實作褖衣也。褖衣御于王之服,亦以燕居。 又【韻補】叶余倫切,陸機思歸賦,以緣字叶雲。

朱芾煌:法相辭典 分別緣起初勝法門經十二頁雲:若與此生,作依、作持、令得生起;是其緣義。

Foguang Dictionary of Buddhism (佛光大辭典)   梵語pratyaya,巴利語paccaya。(一)狹義而言,乃指引起結果之直接原因(內因)外之間接原因(外緣)。廣義而言,系合因、緣兩者之稱。可分為四類:(一)因緣,‘因’亦為‘緣’之意,指產生果報之直接內在原因,即狹義之因,亦相當于能作因(六因之一)外之其他五因。(二)等無間緣,指心、心所之相續中,由前一剎那引導後一剎那生起之原因。(三)所緣緣(緣緣),所緣指外境,心緣外境時,必藉外境以為助緣。依唯識宗之說,又可分為疏、親二種。(四)增上緣。泛指不對某一法產生障礙之一切法。與六因中之‘能作因’相同。依淨土宗說,阿彌陀佛四十八願即為凡夫往生淨土之增上緣。﹝大乘入楞伽經卷二、俱舍論卷七、大乘義章卷三、成唯識論述記卷二末﹞(參閱‘四緣’1832)

Ding Fubao - Dictionary for Buddhist Studies (丁福保:佛學大辭典) (術語)Pratyaya,攀緣之義。人之心識,攀緣于一切之境界也。如眼識攀緣色境而見之,乃至身識攀緣觸境而覺之。因而心識為能緣,其境界為所緣,其心識向境界而動之作用,謂之緣。即心攀緣境界也。緣為心對于境之作用,易言之,則為心之慮知。故常曰緣慮,示緣即慮知也。成唯識論一曰:“在第六識,緣識所變五取蘊相。”【又】由藉之義。依藉于他者。大乘義章三本曰:“緣者由藉之義,緣別不同,故分為四:一者因緣,二者次第緣,三者緣緣,四者增上緣。”

陳義孝佛學常見辭彙 1.事物的相涉關係,如因緣。2.攀附的意思,如攀緣。

Buddhism words and phrases indirect causes; conditions

CF-Dict: raison/cause/bord/bordure/sort/destin

Han-De-Dict: Grund, Anlaß, Ursache (u.E.) (S)/Rand, Kante (u.E.) (S)/vorherbestimmte Beziehung ( Verbindung ), Schicksalsfügung, die Menschen zusammenführt (u.E.) (S)/entlang (u.E.) (Adj)