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Radical Strokes: 6
Additional Strokes: 5
Total Strokes: 10


Pinyin: gāng
Cantonese: gong1
JapaneseOn: KOU
Korean: KANG

Dictionary definitions

Unicode: the name of a certain stars; the god who is supposed to live in them

CE-Dict: stars of the Big Dipper that constitute the tail of the dipper

21 Century bidirectional dictionary: 1.the Taoist name of the Dipper

康熙字典文字版 【未集中】【网字部】 罡
【正字通】居康切,音剛。天罡,星名。【參同契】二月榆落,魁臨于卯。八月麥生,天罡據酉。【註】天罡,卽北斗也。 又【白玉蟾琅書序】作爲符圖印訣罡咒之文。
考證:〔【參同契】二月榆,魁臨于卯。八月麥生,天罡據西。〕 謹照原文榆下增落字。西改酉。

CF-Dict: (ancien nom d'étoile)