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Radical Strokes: 6
Additional Strokes: 11
Total Strokes: 16


Pinyin: áo, yóu
Cantonese: ngou4
JapaneseKun: KIKANAI
JapaneseOn: GOU GYOU
Korean: O

Dictionary definitions

Unicode: bent and twisted; too complicated

CE-Dict: difficult to pronounce

21 Century bidirectional dictionary: 1.hard to read or understand -- too many big words and a tortuous style
2.perverse; unruly
3.lying and winding, as snakes, old trees, etc.

說文解字 - Shuowen: 《耳部》聱 不聽也。从耳敖聲。

康熙字典文字版 【未集中】【耳字部】 聱
【唐韻】五交切【韻會】牛交切,𠀤音謷。【說文】不聽也。【廣雅】不入人語也。【埤蒼】聱牙,爲其不相聽也。【唐書·元結傳】能學聱牙,保宗而全家,自號聱叟。又辭不平易。【韓愈·進學解】周誥殷盤,詰曲聱牙。 又聱耴,衆聲也。【左思·吳都賦】魚鳥聱耴。【釋文】聱,魚曹切。【註】倉頡篇曰:聱耴,衆聲也。 又【廣韻】五勞切【集韻】【正韻】牛刀切,𠀤音敖。亦不聽也。 又【集韻】魚到切,音傲。聱耴,魚鳥狀。

CF-Dict: difficile à prononcer/tordu/entortillé/compliqué

Han-De-Dict: schwierig auszusprechen (u.E.) (V)