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Radical Strokes: 6
Additional Strokes: 4
Total Strokes: 6


Pinyin: zhī
Cantonese: zi1
JapaneseKun: SHIBA
JapaneseOn: SHI
Korean: CI
Vietnamese: chi

Dictionary definitions

Unicode: sesame; a purplish or brown mushroom thought to have miraculous powers; 'a divine and relicitous plant' (Karlgren)

CE-Dict: Zoysia pungens

Soothill: A felicitous plant; sesamum.

21 Century bidirectional dictionary: 1.a kind of purplish fungus symbolizing nobility
2.a kind of fragrant herb

說文解字 - Shuowen: 《艸部》芝 神艸也。从艸从之。

康熙字典文字版 【申集上】【艸字部】 芝
【唐韻】止而切【集韻】【韻會】眞而切【正韻】旨而切,𠀤音之。【說文】神草也。【本草】有靑赤黃白黑紫六色。【註】芝爲瑞草,服之神仙。【王充·論衡】芝生於土,土氣和,故芝草生。【瑞應圖】王者敬事耆老,不失舊故,則芝草生。【白虎通】德至山陵,則景雲出,芝實茂。 又【禮·內則】芝栭蔆椇。 又【揚雄·甘泉賦】于是乗輿,乃登夫鳳凰兮而翳華芝。【註】華芝,華蓋也。 【六書略】隷作㞢,象芝出地。

Japanese Places Shiba (loc)

Japanese-English River and Water Resources Glossary sod

CF-Dict: Shiba/Zoysia pungens

Han-De-Dict: eine Pflanze, die nur wuchs, wenn der Herrscher von vollkommender Tugend war (u.E.) (S)/glückbringend (u.E.) (S)/Glückskraut (u.E.) (S)/Lingzhi Pilze (u.E.) (S)/Sesam (u.E.) (S)