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Radical Strokes: 6
Additional Strokes: 7
Total Strokes: 10
Simplified Form:


Pinyin: zhuāng
Cantonese: zong1
JapaneseKun: OGOSOKA
JapaneseOn: SOU
Korean: CANG
Vietnamese: trang

Dictionary definitions

Unicode: village, hamlet; villa; surname

CE-Dict: farmstead/village/manor/place of business/banker (in a gambling game)/grave or solemn/holdings of a landlord in Imperial China

Soothill: Sedate, serious, proper, stern.

21 Century bidirectional dictionary: 1.a village
2.a place of business
3.a manor; a farmstead; landlord holdings
4.a banker

朗道漢英字典 - Lang Dao: palce of business; banker; manor; village; serious

懶蟲簡明漢英詞典: palce of business; banker; manor; village; serious

說文解字 - Shuowen: 《艸部》莊 上諱。

康熙字典文字版 【申集上】【艸字部】 莊
〔古文〕𤖄𤖈𦻊𠗎𤕶【唐韻】【集韻】𠀤側羊切,音裝。草盛貌。【六書正譌】艸芽之壯也。 又嚴也。【論語】臨之以莊則敬。 又【韻會】盛飾也。 又【左傳·襄二十八年】得慶父之木百車于莊。【註】莊,六軌之道。【爾雅·釋宮】六達謂之莊。 又田舍也。【通鑑·史炤·釋文】唐置莊宅使。【胡三省註】蓋主莊田及外舍之事。 又【公羊傳·定八年】矢著于莊門。【註】莊門,孟氏之門名。 又姓。【通志·氏族略】楚莊王之後,以諡爲氏,楚有大儒曰莊周。 又【雲南通志】海貝一枚,土人謂之莊。 又【篇海】側亮切,音壯。恭也。【說文】作壯。【干祿字書】通作荘。俗作庄,非。
考證:〔【干祿字書】通作莊。〕 謹照原文莊改荘。

Buddhism words and phrases Strong, able-bodied, healthy

Strong, able-bodied, healthy

CF-Dict: village/boutique/grave/digne

Han-De-Dict: Bankhalter, Bankier, Bank [ Glücksspiel ] (u.E.) (S)/Dorf (u.E.) (S)/Geschäftshaus, Laden [ hist. ] (u.E.) (S, Arch)/Gut, Gutshof, Bauernhof, Gehöft, Hof, Farm (u.E.) (S, Agrar)/ernst, seriöus (u.E.) (Adj)/Zhuang (u.E.) (Eig, Fam)