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Radical Strokes: 6
Additional Strokes: 10
Total Strokes: 13


Pinyin: shī
Cantonese: si1
JapaneseKun: MEDOGI
JapaneseOn: SHI
Korean: SI

Dictionary definitions

Unicode: milfoil, plant used in divination

CE-Dict: Achillea sibirica

21 Century bidirectional dictionary: 1.milfoil, the stalks of which were used in divination in ancient times

朗道漢英字典 - Lang Dao: 【醫】 Achillea sibirica Ledeb.

說文解字 - Shuowen: 《艸部》蓍 蒿屬。生十歲,百莖。《易》以為𢿙。天子蓍九尺,諸侯七尺,大夫五尺,士三尺。从艸耆聲。

康熙字典文字版 【申集上】【艸字部】 蓍
〔古文〕𦮂【唐韻】式之切【正韻】申之切,𠀤音尸。【詩·曹風】浸彼苞蓍。【傳】蓍草也。【說文】蒿屬,《易》以爲數。天子蓍九尺,諸侯七尺,大夫五尺,士三尺。【白虎通】蓍之言耆也,陽之老也。【易·繫辭】蓍之德,圓而神。【韓詩外傳】孔子出遊,婦人中澤而哭,孔子問焉,曰:鄕者刈蓍薪,亡我蓍簪。 又【集韻】蒸夷切,音脂。義同。

CF-Dict: achillée/herbe des devins

Han-De-Dict: Bergschafgarbe (Achillea alpina) (u.E.) (S, Bio)