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Information about character(s)

Radical Strokes: 7
Additional Strokes: 3
Total Strokes: 10
Simplified Form:


Pinyin: qì
Cantonese: gat1 ngat6
JapaneseKun: OWARU
JapaneseOn: KITSU
Korean: HUL

Dictionary definitions

Unicode: finish; conclude, stop; exhaust

CE-Dict: finished

Soothill: To finish, end, stop, to reach (an end); until; entirely; translit. k (क्).

21 Century bidirectional dictionary: 1.settled; completed

說文解字 - Shuowen: 《言部》訖 止也。从言气聲。

康熙字典文字版 【酉集上】【言字部】 訖
【唐韻】居迄切【集韻】【韻會】居乙切,𠀤音䰴。【說文】止也。【徐曰】言所止也。【玉篇】畢也。【增韻】終也,了也。【字彙】盡也。【書·呂𠛬】典獄非訖于威,惟訖于富。【疏】訖是盡也,故傳以訖爲絕。【穀梁傳·僖九年】毋訖糴。【註】訖,止也。謂貯粟。 又竟也。【前漢·王莽傳】劉歆訖不吿。【師古註】訖,竟也。 又【史記·司馬貞·三皇紀】《春秋緯》稱,自開闢至獲麟,分爲十紀,十曰流訖紀。 又【集韻】許訖切,音肸。與迄同。【爾雅·釋詁】至也。【尚書·孔序】自唐虞以下訖于周。【前漢·成帝詔】訖今不攺。 【說文】本作𧥷。

CF-Dict: finir/atteindre

Han-De-Dict: ausgespielt, beendet (u.E.)