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Information about character(s)

Radical Strokes: 7
Additional Strokes: 6
Total Strokes: 13
Simplified Form:


Pinyin: quán
Cantonese: cyun4
JapaneseKun: NORI
JapaneseOn: SEN
Korean: CEN

Dictionary definitions

Unicode: explain, expound, comment on

CE-Dict: to explain/to comment/to annotate

Soothill: Explain, expound, discourse upon.

21 Century bidirectional dictionary: explain; to illustrate
2.the truth or core of something

說文解字 - Shuowen: 《言部》詮 具也。从言全聲。

康熙字典文字版 【酉集上】【言字部】 詮
【唐韻】此緣切【集韻】【韻會】逡緣切【正韻】且緣切,𠀤音銓。【說文】具也。【玉篇】治亂之體也。【廣韻】平也。【類篇】擇言也。又解喩也。【晉書·武陔傳】文帝數與詮論。【音義】謂具說事理也。【𨻰書·傅縡傳】言爲心使,心受言詮。【吳越春秋】惟夫子詮斯義也。【註】擇言也。【杜甫·秋日詠懷詩】衣褐向眞詮。 又【淮南子·詮言訓註】詮,就也。就萬物之指,以言其徵,事之所謂,道之所依也。 又【金史·選舉志】凡會試,詮讀官二員。

Buddhism words and phrases explain (in detail)

CF-Dict: -

Han-De-Dict: darlegen, erklären, kommentieren (u.E.) (S)