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Radical Strokes: 7
Additional Strokes: 7
Total Strokes: 14
Simplified Form:


Pinyin: shē, shā
Cantonese: se1
JapaneseOn: SHA

Dictionary definitions

Unicode: buy and sell on credit, distant

CE-Dict: to buy or sell on credit/distant/long (time)/to forgive

Soothill: To buy or sell on credit; to borrow; slow, remiss, shirk.

21 Century bidirectional dictionary: buy or sell on credit
2.distant; faraway
3.slow; slowly put off; to postpone
5.luxurious; extravagant

朗道漢英字典 - Lang Dao: buy or sell on credit
【法】 buy on credit

懶蟲簡明漢英詞典: buy or sell on credit

康熙字典文字版 【酉集中】【貝字部】 賒
【唐韻】式車切【集韻】【韻會】詩車切【正韻】詩遮切,𠀤音奢。【說文】貰買也。【周禮·地官·司市】以泉府同貨而斂賒。【註】無貨則賒,貰而予之。 又【類篇】一曰遠也。【王勃·太公遇文王贊】城闕雖近,風雲尚賒。 又【篇海】凡人謂遲緩爲賒。又同奢。【後漢·仲長統傳】楚楚衣服戒窮賒。【註】奢同。 又叶詩戈切。【謝靈運·感時賦】相物類以迨已,閔交臂之匪賒。揆大耋之或遄,指崦嵫于西阿。 【正字通】俗从余作賖。

CF-Dict: à crédit/différer

Han-De-Dict: etwas auf Kredit kaufen (u.E.) (V)/etwas auf Kredit verkaufen (u.E.) (V)