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Radical Strokes: 7
Additional Strokes: 11
Total Strokes: 17
Simplified Form:


Pinyin: zhuì
Cantonese: zeoi3
JapaneseKun: IBO
JapaneseOn: ZEI SEI
Korean: CHWEY

Dictionary definitions

Unicode: unnecessary, superfluous

CE-Dict: superfluous/redundant/cumbersome/refers to a son-in-law living with wife's family

21 Century bidirectional dictionary: 1.superfluous; redundant; surplus
2.a son-in-law who lives in the household of the bride's parents

朗道漢英字典 - Lang Dao: go to live in the household of one's in-laws on getting married; redundant

懶蟲簡明漢英詞典: go to live in the household of one's in-laws on getting married; redundant; superfluous

說文解字 - Shuowen: 《貝部》贅 以物質錢。从敖、貝。敖者,猶放;貝,當復取之也。

康熙字典文字版 【酉集中】【貝字部】 贅
〔古文〕𧷌𧸆【唐韻】之芮切【集韻】【韻會】朱芮切,𠀤音𠭥。【說文】以物質錢,从敖貝。敖者,猶放貝當復取之也。 又【詩·大雅】具贅卒荒。【傳】贅,屬也。【疏】贅,猶綴也。謂繫綴而屬之。 又【莊子·大宗師】彼以生爲附贅縣疣。【釋名】贅,屬也。橫生一肉,屬著體也。 又【史記·滑𥡴傳】淳于髠者,齊之贅壻也。【註】索隱曰:贅壻,女之夫,比于子,如人疣贅是餘剩物也。【前漢·賈誼傳】家貧子壯則出贅。【註】師古曰:贅,質也。家貧無有聘財,以身爲質也。 又會也。【前漢·武帝紀】毋贅聚。【註】如淳曰:贅,會也。 又行不當也。【老子·道德經】其于道也,若餘食贅行。【註】行之無當曰贅。 又言煩也。【曾鞏·講官議】問一告二謂之贅。 又【博雅】贅,定也。 又【玉篇】最也,得也。 又【集韻】牛交切,音敖。【類篇】頝贅,不媚。

CF-Dict: répéter/joindre/excroissance/parasite/superflu

Han-De-Dict: überflüssig, unnötig (u.E.)