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Information about character(s)

Radical Strokes: 7
Additional Strokes: 8
Total Strokes: 15


Pinyin: zhēng, zhèng, chéng, tāng, tàng
Cantonese: tong3
JapaneseKun: ODORU
JapaneseOn: TOU CHOU JOU

Dictionary definitions

Unicode: time, occasion; take journey

CE-Dict: classifier for times, round trips or rows/a time/a trip

21 Century bidirectional dictionary: 1.quantifier for the number of trips or runs made

康熙字典文字版 【酉集中】【走字部】 趟
【廣韻】竹盲切,音撑。【玉篇】䞴趟,行貌。【廣韻】䞴趟,跳躍貌。【韓愈·城南聮句】相殘雀豹趟。 又【廣韻】【集韻】𠀤豬孟切,音倀。又【集韻】除庚切,音棖。義𠀤同。

CF-Dict: fois

Han-De-Dict: Zähleinheitswort für Bewegungen;eine Zeit, eine Reise (u.E.)