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Information about character(s)

Radical Strokes: 7
Additional Strokes: 14
Total Strokes: 21
Simplified Form:


Pinyin: jī
Cantonese: zai1
JapaneseKun: NOBORU
JapaneseOn: SEI SAI
Korean: CEY

Dictionary definitions

Unicode: ascend, go up, rise

CE-Dict: to go up (esp. in rank)/to rise/to ascend

21 Century bidirectional dictionary: 1.[Formal] to go up; to ascend; to mount; to rise

朗道漢英字典 - Lang Dao: ascend; mount

懶蟲簡明漢英詞典: ascend; mount

說文解字 - Shuowen: 《足部》躋 登也。从足齊聲。《商書》曰:“予顚躋。”

康熙字典文字版 【酉集中】【足字部】 躋
〔古文〕𢁃䠁𤼥【唐韻】祖稽切【集韻】牋西切,𠀤音賷。【說文】登也。【揚子·方言】海岱之閒謂之躋。【詩·秦風】道阻且躋。【傳】躋,升也。 又【廣韻】亦作隮。【易·震卦】躋于九陵。【釋文】躋,本又作隮。【左傳·文二年】躋僖公。【公羊傳】躋者何,升也。【集韻】或作隮。 又【廣韻】【集韻】𠀤子計切,音霽。義同。

CF-Dict: monter/s'élever

Han-De-Dict: hinaufgehen (u.E.)