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Radical Strokes: 8
Additional Strokes: 8
Total Strokes: 16
Simplified Form:


Pinyin: dìng
Cantonese: ding3
JapaneseKun: JOUMAE
JapaneseOn: JOU TEI
Korean: CENG
Vietnamese: đĩnh

Dictionary definitions

Unicode: spindle, slab, cake, tablet

CE-Dict: (weaving) spindle/ingot/pressed cake of medicine etc/classifier for: gold and silver ingots, ink sticks

21 Century bidirectional dictionary: 1.a silver or gold ingot of a fixed shape used in the old days or a Chinese herb medicine tablet shaped like it
2.(in spinning) a spindle

21 Century bidirectional science and technology dictionary: ingot - 材
pig - 材

朗道漢英字典 - Lang Dao: ingot
【經】 ingot

懶蟲簡明漢英詞典: ingot

湘雅醫學專業詞典: troche

說文解字 - Shuowen: 《金部》錠 鐙也。从金定聲。

康熙字典文字版 【戌集上】【金字部】 錠
【唐韻】【集韻】【正韻】𠀤丁定切,音矴。【說文】鐙也。【廣韻】豆有足曰錠,無足曰鐙。【正字通】薦熟物器,上環以通氣之管,中置以烝飪之具,下致以水火之齊,用類甗。博古圖:漢虹燭錠,高五寸五分,深四寸五分,口徑三寸,容四升八合。銘云:王氏銅虹燭錠兩辟幷重二十二斤四兩第一,共一十八字。自三代至秦,器無斤兩之識,此器顯其斤重,字畫與漢五鳳爐㱁識相類,實漢物也。銘曰虹燭者,取其氣運如虹之義。始薦熟食之器,但闕其蓋而不完。曰王氏,不知其爲誰。曰第一。則爲虹燭者數不止此。 又【集韻】堂練切,音電。義同。 又【廣韻】【集韻】𠀤徒徑切,音定。義同。 又【廣韻】錫屬。

CF-Dict: lingot d'argent/pain, tablette/ancre