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Radical Strokes: 9
Additional Strokes: 12
Total Strokes: 20
Simplified Form:


Pinyin: zhuàn, xuǎn
Cantonese: zaan6
JapaneseKun: SONAERU
JapaneseOn: SEN ZEN
Korean: CHAN
Vietnamese: soạn

Dictionary definitions

Unicode: feed, support, provide for; food; fine meats, delicacies

CE-Dict: food/delicacies

21 Century bidirectional dictionary: 1.[Formal] wine and food other than staple food
2.[Formal] to eat and drink

朗道漢英字典 - Lang Dao: food

懶蟲簡明漢英詞典: food

康熙字典文字版 【戌集下】【食字部】 饌
【集韻】雛綰切【五音集韻】雛睆切,𠀤音撰。【玉篇】飯食也。【說文】具食也。【周禮·天官·酒正】以共王之四飮三酒之饌。【疏】謂饌𨻰具設之也。【儀禮·燕禮】膳宰具官,饌于寢東。【註】具其官之所饌,謂酒也,牲也,脯醢也。 又【韻會小補】或作篹。【前漢·元后傳】獨置孝元廟故殿,以爲文母篹食堂。【註】孟康曰:篹,音撰。晉灼曰:篹,具也。 又【集韻】扶萬切,音飯。又【五音集韻】士戀切,音籑。義𠀤同。 又【正韻】須兗切,音選。尚書大傳】夏后氏不殺不𠛬,死罪罰二千饌。【馬融云】饌,六兩。【史記·平準書】作撰。【蘇林云】撰音選擇之選。 【說文】本作籑,从食算聲。或从㢲作𩜹。諸韻書沿俗作饌。

CF-Dict: mets/nourriture