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Information about character(s)

Radical Strokes: 10
Additional Strokes: 11
Total Strokes: 21
Simplified Form:


Pinyin: cān
Cantonese: caam1
JapaneseKun: SOEUMA
JapaneseOn: SAN
Korean: CHAM

Dictionary definitions

Unicode: two outside ones in three horse

CE-Dict: outside horses of a team of 4

21 Century bidirectional dictionary: 1.the two outside horses of a team of three

說文解字 - Shuowen: 《馬部》驂 駕三馬也。从馬參聲。

康熙字典文字版 【亥集上】【馬字部】 驂
【唐韻】【集韻】【韻會】【正韻】𠀤倉含切,音參。【玉篇】驂馬。【說文】駕三馬也。又車中兩馬曰服,兩馬驂其外小退曰驂。【詩·秦風】騧驪是驂。【儀禮·覲禮】使者降以左驂出。【註】騑馬曰驂。又驂乗。【左傳·文十八年】齊懿公納閻職之妻,而使職驂乗。【史記·漢文帝紀】代王令宋昌驂乗。【註】乗車之法,尊者居左,御者居中,又一人處車右,以備傾側,取三人爲名義也。 又【爾雅·釋宮】七達謂之劇驂。【註】三道交復有一岐出者,今北海劇縣有此道。 又【集韻】七紺切,音慘。騑也。

CF-Dict: cheval de volée

Han-De-Dict: Begleitwagen (u.E.) (S)/Extrapferd außerhalb der Deichsel (u.E.) (S)/die beiden Außenpferde eines Vierergespanns (u.E.)/Dreigespann, Troika (u.E.) (S)