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Radical Strokes: 9
Additional Strokes: 4
Total Strokes: 13


Pinyin: hún
Cantonese: wan4
JapaneseKun: TAMASHII
JapaneseOn: KON GON
Korean: HON
Vietnamese: hồn

Dictionary definitions

Unicode: soul, spirit

CE-Dict: soul/spirit/immortal soul, i.e. that can be detached from the body

Soothill: The mind, the soul, conscious mind, vijñāna (विज्ञान); also 魂神.

21 Century bidirectional dictionary: 1.the soul
2.the mind; the spirit

朗道漢英字典 - Lang Dao: fetch; mood; soul; spirit

懶蟲簡明漢英詞典: fetch

湘雅醫學專業詞典: soul

說文解字 - Shuowen: 《鬼部》魂 陽气也。从鬼云聲。

康熙字典文字版 【亥集上】【鬼字部】 魂
【唐韻】戸昆切【集韻】【韻會】【正韻】胡昆切,𠀤音渾。【說文】陽氣也。【易·繫辭】遊魂爲變。【禮·檀弓】魂氣則無不之也。【左傳·昭七年】人生始化爲魄。旣生魄,陽曰魂。【疏】魂魄,神靈之名。附形之靈爲魄。附氣之神爲魂也。【淮南子·說山訓】魄問於魂。【註】魄,人隂神。魂,人陽神。【白虎通】魂,猶伝伝也,行不休於外也,主於情。【又】魂者,芸也,情以除穢。 又【揚子·太𤣥經】魂魂萬物。【註】魂魂,多貌。 又【韻補】叶胡勻切,音芸。【曹大家·東征賦】乃遂往而徂逝兮,聊遊目而遨魂。歷七邑而觀覽兮,遭鞏縣之多艱。艱,音勤。 又叶胡勬切,音弦。【黃庭經】赤帝黃老與我魂,三眞扶胥共房津。津,音煎。

Buddhism words and phrases spiritual or heavenly part of the soul

CF-Dict: âme/esprit

Han-De-Dict: Seele (u.E.)