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Information about character(s)

Radical Strokes: 11
Additional Strokes: 10
Total Strokes: 21
Simplified Form:


Pinyin: yáo
Cantonese: jiu4
JapaneseKun: EI
JapaneseOn: YOU
Korean: YO

Dictionary definitions

Unicode: the nautilus; the ray

CE-Dict: skate (cartilaginous fish belonging to the family Rajidae)/ray (fish)

21 Century bidirectional dictionary: 1.[Zoology] a ray; a skate

21 Century bidirectional science and technology dictionary: skate - 魚

懶蟲簡明漢英詞典: sea purse

湘雅醫學專業詞典: Raja;Skate

說文解字 - Shuowen: 《魚部》鰩 文鰩,魚名。从魚䍃聲。

康熙字典文字版 【亥集中】【魚字部】 鰩
考證:〔【本草】文鰩出海南,大者長尺許,有翅,如尾齊。〕 謹照原文如尾齊改與尾齊。

CF-Dict: batoïde

Han-De-Dict: Rochen (u.E.) (S)