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Radical Strokes: 4
Additional Strokes: 8
Total Strokes: 11
Simplified Form:


Pinyin: shě
Cantonese: se2
JapaneseKun: SUTERU
JapaneseOn: SHA
Korean: SA
Vietnamese: xả

Dictionary definitions

Unicode: discard, give up willingly; give alms

CE-Dict: to give up/to abandon/to give alms

Soothill: upekṣā (उपेक्षा), neglect, indifference, abandoning, M.W. To relinquish, renounce, abandon, reject, give. One of the chief Buddhist virtues, that of renunciation, leading to a state of "indifference without pleasure or pain" (Keith), or independence of both. v. 舍. It is defined as the mind 平等 in equilibrium, i.e. above the distinction of things or persons, of self or others; indifferent, having abandoned the world and all things and having no affections or desires. One of the seven bodhyaṅga (बोध्यङ्ग)s. Translit. sa (स), śa (श), s(r) (स्(र्)).

湘雅醫學專業詞典: peace

說文解字 - Shuowen: 《手部》捨 釋也。从手舍聲。

康熙字典文字版 【卯集中】【手字部】 捨
【唐韻】書冶切【集韻】【韻會】【正韻】始野切,𠀤赦上聲。【說文】釋也。【正韻】弃也。【宋書·殷淳傳】愛好文義,未嘗違捨。 又姓。明洪武中,稅課大使捨敬。 經典省作舍。

陳義孝佛學常見辭彙 1.捨施之義,如財施法施是。2.捨棄之義,如捨棄三毒煩惱,或捨棄怨親之心而一視同仁是。

Buddhism words and phrases (term) throw away, relinquish, give up, discard, abandon, forsake, renounce (nikṣipati)

CF-Dict: abandonner, donner

Han-De-Dict: Behausung (u.E.) (S)/aufgeben (u.E.) (V)/Wohnsitz (u.E.)