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Information about character(s)

Radical Strokes: 7
Additional Strokes: 9
Total Strokes: 16


Pinyin: cén
Cantonese: dam1

Dictionary definitions

Unicode: cooked or well-done; prepared or processed, to brew wine and store up for a long time, (interchangeable 酖) addicted to alcoholic drinks; to imbibe or to indulge in (vices, etc.), to be infatuated with, to be a slave of

說文解字 - Shuowen: 《酉部》䤁 孰𥶶也。从酉甚聲。

康熙字典文字版 【酉集下】【酉字部】 䤁
【唐韻】余箴切【集韻】夷針切,𠀤音淫。【說文】𦏧𥵱也。 又【集韻】時任切,音諶。又持林切,音沈。又【廣韻】昨淫切【集韻】才淫切,𠀤音鬵。義𠀤同。 又【博雅】䤁,幽也。【釋文】才心反。