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Radical Strokes: 2
Additional Strokes: 4
Total Strokes: 6


Pinyin: rèn, rén, lìn
Cantonese: jam4 jam6
JapaneseOn: NIN
Korean: IM
Vietnamese: nhậm

Dictionary definitions

Unicode: trust to, rely on, appoint; to bear, duty, office; allow

CE-Dict: to assign/to appoint/to take up a post/office/responsibility/to let/to allow/to give free rein to/no matter (how, what etc)

Soothill: Bear, endure, let; office; it is used to connote laisser-faire; one of the 四病, as 任運 implies laisser-aller; it is intp. by let things follow their own course, or by 自然 naturally, without intervention.

English-Chinse-English Dictionary of Buddhist terms (Stardict): (1) To surrender, give up. (2) To take on a certain job or role. (3) To resign oneself to one's situation. Accept one's place and duty in life. "Acceptance." (4) As an abbreviation of 任運, that which is arisen spontaneously, and is not directly created 作 by one's present discrimination. 〔二障義 HPC 1.801c22〕

21 Century bidirectional dictionary: appoint (to a post)
2.a post; an office
3.a term of office allow; to let be

朗道漢英字典 - Lang Dao: allow; appoint; assume a job; let; no matter; official post

懶蟲簡明漢英詞典: allow; appoint; assume a job; let; no matter; official post

說文解字 - Shuowen: 《人部》任 符也。从人壬聲。

康熙字典文字版 【子集中】【人字部】 任
【唐韻】【集韻】【韻會】如林切【正韻】如深切,𠀤音壬。誠篤也。【詩·邶風】仲氏任只。【鄭箋】以恩相信曰任。又【周禮·地官】大司徒之職,以鄕三物,敎萬民而賔興之。二曰六行,孝友睦婣任恤。【註】任,信於友道。 又【廣韻】堪也。【王粲·登樓賦】情眷眷而懷歸兮,孰憂思之可任。【註】言誰堪此憂思也。 又當也。【左傳·僖十五年】衆怒難任。 又負也,擔也。【詩·小雅】我任我輦。【禮·王制】輕任幷,重任分。【註】幷已獨任之,分析而二之。 又姓。大任,文王之母。又薛國之姓。【左傳·隱十一年】不敢與諸任齒。【正義】謝章薛舒呂祝終泉畢過此,十國皆任姓也。 又【集韻】【韻會】【正韻】𠀤如鴆切,壬去聲。克也,用也。又所負也。【論語】仁以爲已任。 又事也。【周禮·夏官】施貢分職,以任邦國。【註】事以其力之所堪。 又與妊姙同。【史記·鄒陽傳註】紂刳任者,觀其胎產。又【方書】督脈屬陽,循𤔔而上,至鼻。任衇屬隂,循膈而上,至咽。女子二十,任衇通,則有子。 又【書·舜典】而難任人。【註】言拒絕佞人。本作壬,與巧言孔壬之壬同。譌作任。
考證:〔【王粲登樓賦】情眷眷而懷歸兮,孰憂思而可任。〕 謹照原文而字改之字。

朱芾煌:法相辭典 雜集論十一卷十頁雲:任者:謂緣此境如理作意。由此作意,依所多聞,無倒思惟所聞義相,任持心故。

Buddhism words and phrases acceptance

CF-Dict: nommer/désigner/assumer un poste/laisser faire/fonction/poste

Han-De-Dict: Amt, Position, Verpflichtung (S)/ernennen, einsetzen, jmd mit einem Amt betrauen (V)