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Radical Strokes: 2
Additional Strokes: 6
Total Strokes: 8


Pinyin: yī, yǐ
Cantonese: ji1
JapaneseKun: YORU
JapaneseOn: I E
Korean: UY
Vietnamese: y

Dictionary definitions

Unicode: rely on, be set in; consent, obey a wish

CE-Dict: to depend on/to comply with or listen to sb/according to/in the light of

Soothill: To depend, rely on; dependent, conditioned; accord with.

English-Chinse-English Dictionary of Buddhist terms (Stardict): (1) A foundation, a ground, a basis (saraya, sama-, samupa-, samyoga, ni/sraya, ni/srita, ni/sritya). (2) A cause of something coming into being. (3) Ultimate ground, dwelling place. (4) A ground for attachment. Elements that compose existence. A basic factor (in the composition of past and future transmigratory existence). Affliction, defilement, attachment. Since defilement is the basic condition (依) for the unfolding of the realm (依) of suffering, there are two levels of meaning of the term (upa^dhi). (5) Control, rule, guidance. That which exists for the purpose of control (adhistha^na). (6) Dependence, reliance (anusa^rin, apeks!ana, apeks!a). (7) In Sam!kya philosophy, that which exists in dependence upon something else (a^/srita). (8) To conform to the authority of (a text, an explanation, etc.) (a^/sraya). (9) That which is relied upon. (10) Arise from, be based upon, to be predicated on, to originate in. (11) To be located (in, on, at) (upa^da^ya, pratisarana).

21 Century bidirectional dictionary: depend on accordance with
3.according to

朗道漢英字典 - Lang Dao: according to; comply with; depend on
【醫】 cata-; kat-

懶蟲簡明漢英詞典: according to; comply with; depend on

說文解字 - Shuowen: 《人部》依 倚也。从人衣聲。

康熙字典文字版 【子集中】【人字部】 依
【廣韻】【集韻】【韻會】【正韻】𠀤於希切,音衣。【說文】倚也。【書·無逸】知小人之依。【註】言稼穡。【詩·小雅】謀之不臧,則具是依。【又】昔我往矣,楊柳依依。 又依稀,猶彷彿也。【劉禹錫詩】宋臺梁館尚依稀。 又姓。 又【集韻】【韻會】𠀤隱豈切,音倚。【詩·大雅】于京斯依。 又斧依,與扆通。【儀禮·覲禮】天子設斧依于戸牖之閒。【註】依,如今綈素屛風也。有繡斧文,所以示威也。 又纏弦也。【儀禮·卽夕禮】設依撻焉。【疏】依,以韋依纏其弦,卽今時弓𢐠是也。 又【儀禮·士虞禮】佐食無事,則出戸負依南面。【註】戸牖之閒謂之依。 又喻也。【禮·學記】不學博依,不能安詩。【疏】謂依倚譬喻也。 又【韻補】叶烏皆切,音挨。【曹植詩】願爲西南風,長逝入君懷。君懷良不開,賤妾當何依。又【白居易詩】坐依桃葉妓。【自註】依,烏皆反。
考證:〔【儀禮·士喪禮】設依撻焉。【疏】依,以韋依纏其弦,如今時弓𢐠是也。〕 謹照原書士喪禮改卽夕禮。如今時改卽今時。

朱芾煌:法相辭典 瑜伽十一卷十四頁雲:于出離時,正可憑仗;故名為依。
二解 瑜伽八十三卷十八頁雲:依者:謂五取蘊及與七種所攝受事。即是父母及妻子等。
三解 雜集論十一卷十一頁雲:依者:謂轉依。舍離一切粗重,得清淨轉依故。

Foguang Dictionary of Buddhism (佛光大辭典)  梵語kha^ri^ 或 kha^ra,巴利語kha^ri。又作依、依妗依琛R胱黲、十斛、石。為物之數量單位。雜阿含經卷四十八之一二七八經解說阿浮陀地獄中眾生之壽量(大二·三五一下):‘譬如拘薩羅國四鬥為一阿羅,四阿羅為一獨籠那,十六獨籠那為一^摩那,十六^摩那為一摩尼,二十摩尼為一依媯□十依嫖□徊鄭□中芥子。若使有人百年取一芥子,如是乃至滿倉芥子都盡,阿浮陀地獄眾生壽命猶故不盡。’又楞伽阿跋多羅寶經卷一載有缽他、阿羅、獨籠那、依嫻讓詞,于魏譯入楞伽經卷二及唐譯大乘入楞伽經卷一中,譯為一升、半升、一斛、十斛,即以十獨籠那為一依媯□胊影□□□邇□俁十獨籠那為一依嬤□擋灰恢隆#坌Σ釩閎艟□硎□嘉藿咂貳□舐□烤□磯泥犁品、大品般若經卷二十七法尚品、俱舍論光記卷十一、玄應音義卷二十四、翻譯名義集卷三﹞


Ding Fubao - Dictionary for Buddhist Studies (丁福保:佛學大辭典) (雜名)鬥量名,譯曰斛。玄應音義二十四曰:“依媧嗽埔貨,謂十鬥也。”梵Kha%ri。


Buddhism words and phrases basis

CF-Dict: être dépendant de/suivre/obéir à/selon/conformément à

Han-De-Dict: abhängig sein von etw./jd. (u.E.)