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Radical Strokes: 2
Additional Strokes: 8
Total Strokes: 9


Pinyin: xiū
Cantonese: sau1
JapaneseKun: OSAMERU
JapaneseOn: SHUU SHU
Korean: SWU
Vietnamese: tu

Dictionary definitions

Unicode: study; repair; cultivate

CE-Dict: to decorate/to embellish/to repair/to build/to study/to write/to cultivate

Soothill: To put in order, mend, cultivate, observe. Translit. su (सु), sū (सू). Cf. 須; 蘇.

English-Chinse-English Dictionary of Buddhist terms (Stardict): (1) To cultivate, to nurture, to develop, to adjust, to correct, to repair, to regulate, to reform. To prune. (2) More specifically, to cultivate morality, virtue or enlightenment. (3) Long. (Buddhism) (1) (Religious) practice. To practice. Refers generally to cultivation of goodness, and specifically to meditation practice (bha^vana^). Contemplation. In relation to the original nature, 修 refers to the bringing of that nature to its completion. To practice repeatedly at mental contemplation, bringing virtue to fruition. Also written 修行. The Sarva^stiva^din sect recognized four kinds of practice 四修. (2) To carry out individual religious practice (pratinisevana). (3) To endeavor, to make effort. (4) An abbreviation for xiudao 修道. (5) The goodness that is coincident with meditation practice (bha^vana^). Synonymous with chanding 禪定. (6) To study, complete, cultivate, master; to put into order, repair.

21 Century bidirectional dictionary: do, act, restore, regulate, cultivate, etc.
2.dried meat
3.salary for a teacher in ancient times mend; to repair build embellish study study to earn (college credits) trim; to prune

朗道漢英字典 - Lang Dao: build; cobble; compile; decorate; mend; repair; trim

懶蟲簡明漢英詞典: repair; build; decorate; mend; trim

說文解字 - Shuowen: 《彡部》修 飾也。从彡攸聲。

康熙字典文字版 【子集中】【人字部】 修
【唐韻】息流切【集韻】【韻會】【正韻】思留切,𠀤音羞。飭也。又飾也,葺理也。【書·禹貢】六府孔修。 又古之聞人曰前修。【屈原·離騷】謇吾法夫前修兮,非世俗之所服。 又【屈原·離騷】解佩纕以結言兮,吾令蹇修以爲理。【註】蹇修,古良媒。 又姓。漢屯騎校尉修炳。 又長也。【詩·小雅】四牡修廣。 又與卣通。【周禮·春宫·鬯人】廟用修。鄭註:修,讀爲卣。卣,中尊也。謂獻象之屬。以薦鬯則謂之卣,以薦酒則謂之修。 又叶詢趨切,音須。【陸機·感丘賦】姸蚩混而爲一兮,孰云識其所修。必眇世以遠覽兮,夫何殉以區區。
考證:〔【周禮·冬官考工記】瓬人爲瓦簋,廟用修。【註】修讀爲卣。卣,中尊也。〕 謹按冬官無廟用修之文。謹照周禮改春宫。鬯人廟用修。鄭註修讀爲卣。卣,中尊也。謂獻象之屬。

朱芾煌:法相辭典 大毗婆沙論一百六十三卷四頁雲:問:何故名修?答:遍修故名修。數習故名修。燻故名修。學故名修。令常淨故名修。應知此中,現在、習修所顯;未來、得修所顯。復次現在、習故名修。未來、得故名修。復次現在、受用故名修。未來、引發故名修。復次現在、辦事故名修。未來、與欲故名修。復次現在、在身中故名修。未來、得自在故名修。復次現在、現前故名修。未來、成就故名修。

Buddhism words and phrases cultivate

CF-Dict: réparer/rédiger/composer/construire/tailler

Han-De-Dict: ausschmücken, verschönern (u.E.)/reparieren, ausbessern (u.E.)/anbauen, ausbilden (u.E.) (V)/aufbauen, bauen (u.E.) (V)/schreiben, anschreiben (u.E.) (V)/studieren, lernen (u.E.) (V)/stutzen, dekorieren (u.E.) (V)/Xiu (u.E.) (Eig, Fam)