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Radical Strokes: 3
Additional Strokes: 6
Total Strokes: 9


Pinyin: gòu
Cantonese: gau3
JapaneseKun: AKA HAJI
JapaneseOn: KOU KU KIKU
Korean: KWU
Vietnamese: cáu

Dictionary definitions

Unicode: dirt, filth, stains; dirty

CE-Dict: dirt/disgrace

Soothill: mala (मल). Dust, impurity, dregs; moral impurity; mental impurity. Whatever misleads or deludes the mind; illusion; defilement; the six forms are vexation, malevolence, hatred, flattery, wild talk, pride; the seven are desire, false views, doubt, presumption, arrogance, inertia, and meanness.

English-Chinse-English Dictionary of Buddhist terms (Stardict): (1) Dirt, filth (mala). (2) A term for defilement. The quality of defilements being impurity, they permeate the mind and taint it. (3) An abbreviation of fannaogou (煩惱垢), the 'six filths' which are produced from original defilement. They are vexation (惱), harming (害), resentment (恨), flattery (諂), deception (誑), and haughtiness (憍).

21 Century bidirectional dictionary: 1.[Formal] dirty; filthy
2.dirt; filth
3.[Formal] disgrace; humiliation

朗道漢英字典 - Lang Dao: dirty; filthy

懶蟲簡明漢英詞典: dirty; filthy

湘雅醫學專業詞典: sordes

說文解字 - Shuowen: 《土部》垢 濁也。从土后聲。

康熙字典文字版 【丑集中】【土字部】 垢
【唐韻】古厚切【集韻】【韻會】【正韻】舉后切,𠀤音苟。塵滓也。【左傳·宣十五年】國君含垢,天之道也。【韓非子·大體篇】不洗垢,而察難知。【莊子·大宗師】仿偟乎塵垢之外。 又國名。【華嚴經】國名無垢,琉璃爲地。 又【集韻】丘𠋫切,音宼。解垢,詭曲之辭。 又居六切,音匊。中不淨也。【詩·大雅】維彼不順,征以中垢。 又叶公戸切,讀若古。【楚辭·哀時命】務光自投于深淵兮,不獲世之塵垢。孰魁崔之可久兮,願退身而窮處。

朱芾煌:法相辭典 瑜伽八卷六頁雲:自性染污故名為垢。
二解 瑜伽八十四卷十四頁雲:又彼能令不清淨故;說名為垢。
三解 雜集論七卷三頁雲:垢有三種。謂貪嗔癡。由依止貪嗔癡故;毀犯如是屍羅學處。由此有智同梵行者,或于聚落或閒靜處見已;作如是言:此長老作如是事,行如是行。為聚落剌,點染不淨;說名為垢。以貪嗔癡能現犯戒不淨相故。

Foguang Dictionary of Buddhism (佛光大辭典)  梵語mala。煩惱之異名。指污穢心之垢物。又以貪、嗔、癡稱為三垢,故有煩惱垢、塵垢、垢穢、惑垢、染垢等名詞。此外,煩惱垢系由根本煩惱所流出,其相污且粗,故亦以‘心魔賊’喻稱之,謂其能賊害世間及出世間之一切善法。據俱舍論卷二十一載,垢屬于小煩惱地法之一,而以惱、害、恨、諂、誑、x等合稱六煩惱垢,略稱六垢。舍利弗阿毗曇論卷十四舉出:欲貪、嗔恚、該摺□艋淞□傻任甯俏□襯罩□改澹□譜饜墓浮M□劬磯十復舉出:疑、不思惟、怖、悲、惡、睡眠、過精進、軟精進、無能、若幹想、著色等,稱為十一心垢;希望、嗔恚、睡眠、掉悔、疑、惱害、常念怨嫌、懷恨、魅取□刀省□□□□鈁□□櫧邸□薏選□蘩□Ⅰ娓摺□核稀□願摺□乓蕁□、增上慢,稱為二十一心垢。﹝阿毗達磨順正理論卷一、大乘義章卷五﹞

Ding Fubao - Dictionary for Buddhist Studies (丁福保:佛學大辭典) (術語)妄惑垢心性,故名垢。煩惱之異名。俱舍論二曰:“垢之與漏,名異體同。”大乘義章五本曰:“流注不絕,其猶瘡漏,故名為漏。染污淨心,說以為垢。能惑所緣,故稱為惑。”梵,摩羅。Mala。

陳義孝佛學常見辭彙 煩惱的別名。

Buddhism words and phrases impurity, pollution, defilement

CF-Dict: saleté/crasse/honte/sale/crasseux

Han-De-Dict: Dreck (u.E.) (S)