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Radical Strokes: 3
Additional Strokes: 2
Total Strokes: 5


Pinyin: wài
Cantonese: ngoi6 oi6
JapaneseOn: GAI GE
Korean: OY
Vietnamese: ngoại

Dictionary definitions

Unicode: out, outside, external; foreign

CE-Dict: outside/in addition/foreign/external

Soothill: bāhya. Outside, external; opposite to 內 within, inner, e. g. 內證 inner witness, or realization and 外用 external manifestation, function, or use.

English-Chinse-English Dictionary of Buddhist terms (Stardict): (1) Outside, external to, other than. (2) Also, besides, in addition. (3) The external part. External; external world (ba^hya). (4) Heterodox, schismatic, opposing belief.

21 Century bidirectional dictionary: 1.external
2.outer; outside
3.of a foreign country
4.not of one's own family, clan, class, coterie, locality, school, etc.
6.beyond; above

21 Century bidirectional science and technology dictionary: exo- - 有化

朗道漢英字典 - Lang Dao: besides; in addition; not closely related; other; outer; outside; unofficial
【醫】 ec-; ecto-; exo-; extra-; xeno-

懶蟲簡明漢英詞典: besides; in addition; not closely related; other; outer; outside; unofficial

湘雅醫學專業詞典: ec-;ecto-;ex-;exo-;extra-;extrinsic;hyper-

說文解字 - Shuowen: 《夕部》外 遠也。卜尚平旦,今夕卜,於事外矣。

康熙字典文字版 【丑集下】【夕字部】 外
〔古文〕𡖄【廣韻】【集韻】五會切【韻會】魚會切,𠀤歪去聲。內之對,表也。【易·坤卦文言】義以方外。【家人彖傳】男正位乎外。【禮·祭義】禮也者,動於外者也。【莊子·齊物論】六合之外,聖人存而不論。【列子·仲尼篇】遠在八荒之外。 又疏斥也。【易·泰卦彖傳】內君子,而外小人。【前漢·霍光傳】盡外我家。 又度外,置之也。【後漢·光武紀】暫置此兩子于度外。 又方外,散人也。【淮南子·道應訓】吾與汗漫期于九垓之外。 又【集韻】五活切,音杌。【黃庭經】洞視得見無內外,存嗽五牙不飢渴,神華執中六丁謁。 又叶征例切,音制。【詩·魏風】十畝之外兮。叶下泄逝。 【說文】外,遠也。卜尚平旦,今若夕卜,于事外矣。會意。
考證:〔【禮·祭儀】禮也者,動乎外者也。〕 謹照原書祭儀改祭義。照原文動乎改動於。〔【易·否卦彖傳】內君子,而外小人。〕 謹照原書否卦改泰卦。

朱芾煌:法相辭典 瑜伽五十六卷五頁雲:問:何義、幾蘊、是外?答:內相違義。一蘊一分是外。
二解 顯揚五卷十六頁雲:問:何義、幾種、是外?答:翻內義故。一少分是外。

Buddhism words and phrases outside, external to, other than

Japanese Places Sode (loc)

Tono (loc)

CF-Dict: extérieur/étranger

Han-De-Dict: außerhalb, fremd (u.E.)

Finnish: ulkoinen, ulkopuoli, lisäksi, tuntematon, ulkomaalainen