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Radical Strokes: 6
Additional Strokes: 4
Total Strokes: 10


Pinyin: suǒ
Cantonese: saak3 sok3 suk3
JapaneseOn: SAKU
Korean: SAYK SAK
Vietnamese: sách

Dictionary definitions

Unicode: large rope, cable; rules, laws; to demand, to exact; to search, inquire; isolated

CE-Dict: to search/to demand/to ask/to exact/large rope/isolated

Soothill: Cord; to extort, express; the cord or noose of Guanyin by which she binds the good; the cord of the vajra-king by which he binds the evil; translit. sa (स).

21 Century bidirectional dictionary: 1.a rope search for demand; to ask

21 Century bidirectional science and technology dictionary: chord - 解剖
chorda - 解剖
cord - 解剖
funiculus - 解剖

朗道漢英字典 - Lang Dao: ask; cable; demand; dull; large rope; rope; search
【醫】 band; cable; chord; chorda; chordae; chordo-; cord; funicle; funiculus
funis; leash

懶蟲簡明漢英詞典: ask; cable; demand; dull; large rope; search

湘雅醫學專業詞典: cable;Cd;chd;chord;chorda;chordo-;cord;desm-;funicle;funis;leash;rope

說文解字 - Shuowen: 《𣎵部》索 艸有莖葉,可作繩索。从𣎵、糸。杜林說:𣎵亦朱木字。

康熙字典文字版 【未集中】【糸字部】 索
【廣韻】蘇各切【集韻】【韻會】昔各切,𠀤音𧛻。【說文】作𣑇,草有莖葉可作繩索。从𣎵糸。【韻會】隷作索。【小爾雅】大者謂之索,小者謂之繩。【急就篇註】索,總謂切撚之令緊者也。【書·五子之歌】若朽索之馭六馬。【詩·豳風】宵爾索綯。 又【易·震卦】震索索。【疏】心不安之貌。【釋文】懼也。 又【書·牧誓】惟家之索。【傳】索。盡也。 又【周禮·夏官·方相氏】以索室毆疫。【註】索,廋也。 又【禮·檀弓】吾離羣而索居。【註】索,散也。 又【左傳·昭十二年】八索九丘。【書序】八卦之說,謂之八索。 又地名。【前漢·地理志】武都郡有索縣。 又姓。【左傳·定四年】殷民七族,有索氏。 又【廣韻】山戟切【集韻】色窄切,𠀤音色。同𡩡,求也。【禮·曲禮】大夫以索牛。【註】索,求得而用之。 又【集韻】蘇故切,音素。【釋名】索,素也。八索,著素王之法也。【屈原·離騷】衆皆競進以貪婪兮,憑不厭乎求索。羌內恕以量人兮,各興心而嫉妒。【註】索,音素。○按《說文》在木部,今倂附入。索从𣎵,《說文》在𣎵部。
考證:〔【屈原·離騷】羌內恕以量人兮,各興心而嫉妒。〕 謹照原文恕下增己字。

Foguang Dictionary of Buddhism (佛光大辭典)  梵語pa^s/a。音譯作播舍、皤賒。又稱寶索、金剛索。此索以五色線搓成,一端置I,另一端付半獨股杵。本為戰具或獵具,但于密教中,以其為捕縛難化者與降伏四魔之具,乃表示四攝方便之意。與金剛界之金剛索菩薩內證相應。又為不空I索、千手觀音所持之物。﹝大日經具緣品、不空I索經卷九、慧琳音義卷六十一﹞

Ding Fubao - Dictionary for Buddhist Studies (丁福保:佛學大辭典) (物名)不動之金剛索,觀音之I索等。不動之索為束縛惡人之標示。觀音之索為網羅善類之標示。

Buddhism words and phrases rope, a cord

CF-Dict: chercher/réclamer/corde

Han-De-Dict: Strick (u.E.) (S)/suchen, fordern (u.E.)