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Radical Strokes: 7
Additional Strokes: 9
Total Strokes: 16
Simplified Form:


Pinyin: huì
Cantonese: wai5
JapaneseKun: IMU IMINA
JapaneseOn: KI
Korean: HWI
Vietnamese: huý

Dictionary definitions

Unicode: conceal; shun; regard as taboo

CE-Dict: to avoid mentioning/taboo word/name of deceased emperor or superior

21 Century bidirectional dictionary: scruple to say; to avoid referring to
2.a forbidden word; a taboo
3.(used in old times) the name, regarded as taboo, of a deceased emperor or head of a family

朗道漢英字典 - Lang Dao: avoid as taboo

懶蟲簡明漢英詞典: avoid as taboo

說文解字 - Shuowen: 《言部》諱 誋也。从言韋聲。

康熙字典文字版 【酉集上】【言字部】 諱
【唐韻】【集韻】【韻會】𠀤許貴切,音卉。【說文】誋也。【廣韻】避也。【玉篇】隱也,忌也。【春秋序】隱諱以辟患。【公羊傳·閔元年】春秋爲尊者諱,爲親者諱,爲賢者諱。【戰國策】罰不諱强大。【註】諱,猶避也。【史記·秦始皇紀】秦俗多忌諱之禁。 又畏也。【史記·商君傳】華陽、涇陽等擊斷無諱。 又【增韻】護短曰諱。 又生曰名,死曰諱。【左傳·桓六年】周人以諱事神,名終將諱之。【疏】自殷以往,未有諱法,諱始於周。【禮·檀弓】卒哭而諱。【疏】古者生不相諱,卒哭,乃有神諱也。 又不諱,謂死也。【史記·商君傳】公叔病,如有不可諱,將奈社稷何。【後漢·桓榮傳】如有不諱,無憂家室也。【註】死者人之常,故言不諱也。 又叶呼韋切,音揮。【東方朔·七諫】願乗閒而效志兮,恐犯忌而干諱。卒撫情以寂漠兮,然怊悵而自悲。

Buddhism words and phrases Posthumous (canonical) name

CF-Dict: cacher/taire/tabou

Han-De-Dict: für tabu erklären, tabuisieren (u.E.)