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Information about character(s)

Radical Strokes: 7
Additional Strokes: 10
Total Strokes: 12
Simplified Form:


Pinyin: zōu, jù
Cantonese: zau1
JapaneseOn: SUU SHUU
Korean: CHWU

Dictionary definitions

Unicode: name of an ancient state; surname

CE-Dict: surname Zou/vassal state during the Zhou Dynasty (1046-256 BC) in the southeast of Shandong Province

21 Century bidirectional dictionary: of a state in the Epoch of Warring States

說文解字 - Shuowen: 《邑部》鄒 魯縣,古邾國,帝顓頊之後所封。从邑芻聲。

康熙字典文字版 【酉集下】【邑字部】 鄒
【唐韻】【正韻】側鳩切【集韻】【韻會】甾尤切,𠀤音騶。【說文】魯縣,古邾婁國,帝顓頊之後所封。【徐曰】《孟子題辭》邾國至孟子時,魯穆公攺曰鄒。 又通作騶。【史記·孟軻傳】孟子,騶人也。 又姓。【廣韻】漢有鄒陽。 又【字彙補】從娶切,音聚。【史記·孔子世家】如顏濁鄒之徒。【正義】鄒,音聚。俗省作邹。互詳前郰字註。

CF-Dict: (nom de famille)

Han-De-Dict: Zou (u.E.) (Eig, Fam)/ein Nachname (u.E.)