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Radical Strokes: 7
Additional Strokes: 5
Total Strokes: 12


Pinyin: cù, zuò
Cantonese: cou3 zaa3 zok6
JapaneseKun: SU
JapaneseOn: SAKU
Korean: CHO CAK

Dictionary definitions

Unicode: toast one's host with wine; to express juice by pressing

CE-Dict: toast to host by guest

21 Century bidirectional dictionary: 1.[Formal] a toast made by a guest to the host in response

說文解字 - Shuowen: 《酉部》酢 醶也。从酉乍聲。

康熙字典文字版 【酉集下】【酉字部】 酢
【唐韻】【集韻】【正韻】𠀤倉故切,音措。【說文】醶也。【徐曰】今人以此爲酬酢字,反以醋爲酢字,時俗相承之變也。【玉篇】酸也。【急就篇】酸醎酢淡辨濁淸。【馬第伯·封禪記】酢棃酸棗。【隋書·酷吏傳】長安語曰:寧飮三升酢,不見崔弘度。 又【廣韻】在各切【集韻】【韻會】【正韻】疾各切,𠀤音昨。客酌主人也。【廣韻】酬酢。【倉頡篇】主答客曰酬,客報主人曰酢。【易·繫辭】是故可與酬酢,可與祐神矣。【詩·小雅】君子有酒,酌言酢之。【傳】酢,報也。 又器名。【揚子·方言】甑自關而東謂之甗,或謂之酢鎦。

Japanese Places Su (loc)

CF-Dict: rendre la pareille/rendre la réponse