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Radical Strokes: 9
Additional Strokes: 5
Total Strokes: 14


Pinyin: sháo
Cantonese: siu4
JapaneseKun: TSUGU
JapaneseOn: SHOU JOU
Korean: SO
Vietnamese: thiều

Dictionary definitions

Unicode: music of the emperor Shun; beautiful

CE-Dict: (music)/excellent/harmonious

21 Century bidirectional dictionary: 1.the music during the time of the sage emperor Shun
2.beautiful; excellent; harmonious

朗道漢英字典 - Lang Dao: beautiful; splendid

懶蟲簡明漢英詞典: beautiful; splendid

說文解字 - Shuowen: 《音部》韶 虞舜樂也。《書》曰:“《簫韶》九成,鳳皇來儀。”从音召聲。

康熙字典文字版 【戌集中】【音字部】 韶
〔古文〕𢨍【唐韻】市招切【集韻】【韻會】時饒切【正韻】時昭切,𠀤音軺。【說文】虞舜樂也。【玉篇】繼也,紹也。【書·益稷】簫韶九成。【禮·樂記】韶,繼也。【註】韶之言紹也。言舜能繼紹堯之德。 又【左傳·襄二十九年】見舞韶濩者。【註】殷湯樂。【疏】言其能紹繼大禹也。 又【集韻】一曰美也。【韻會】凡言韶華,韶光,取此。 又【韻會】州名。古百越地,漢曲江縣,隋置韶州。有兩石相對如雙闕。或曰舜作樂於此,故名韶石。 又姓。【正字通】晉中牟令韶石。 【廣韻】同㲈。【集韻】亦作招。

CF-Dict: beau/joli

Han-De-Dict: hold, schön (u.E.) (Eig)