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Radical Strokes: 9
Additional Strokes: 11
Total Strokes: 20


Pinyin: xīn
Cantonese: hing1
JapaneseKun: KAORU KAORI
JapaneseOn: KEI KYOU
Korean: HYENG
Vietnamese: hanh

Dictionary definitions

Unicode: fragrant, aromatic; distant fragrance

CE-Dict: fragrant

21 Century bidirectional dictionary: 1.[Formal] a strong fragrance or aroma

朗道漢英字典 - Lang Dao: strong and pervasive fragrance

懶蟲簡明漢英詞典: strong and pervasive fragrance

說文解字 - Shuowen: 《香部》馨 香之遠聞者。从香殸聲。殸,籒文磬。

康熙字典文字版 【戌集下】【香字部】 馨
【廣韻】呼𠛬切【集韻】【韻會】【正韻】醯經切,𠀤音𠷓。【玉篇】香遠聞也。【書·酒誥】黍稷非馨,明德維馨。【詩·大雅】爾殽旣馨。又【周頌】有椒其馨。【楚辭·九歌】折芳馨兮遺所思。【韓愈·答張徹詩】寒狖酸骨怨,怪花醉䰟馨。 又【集韻】虛映切,音釁。晉人以爲語助。【晉書·王衍傳】何物老嫗,生此寧馨兒。【世說新語】王朗之雪中詣王螭,持其臂。螭曰:冷如鬼手馨,强來捉人臂。【通雅】寧𠷓寧馨,此呼語辭,今讀能亨,亦云那,向有平去二音,可平可仄,古人多假借字也。

CF-Dict: parfum/senteur

Han-De-Dict: duftend (u.E.)