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Radical Strokes: 5
Additional Strokes: 8
Total Strokes: 13


Pinyin: chī
Cantonese: ci1
JapaneseKun: OROKA
JapaneseOn: CHI
Korean: CHI

Dictionary definitions

Unicode: foolish, stupid, dumb, silly

CE-Dict: imbecile/sentimental/stupid/foolish/silly

Soothill: moha (मोह), 'unconsciousness,' 'delusion,' 'perplexity,' 'ignorance, folly,' 'infatuation,' etc. M.W. Also, mūḍha (मूढ). In Chinese it is silly, foolish, daft, stupid. It is intp. by 無明 unenlightened, i.e. misled by appearances, taking the seeming for real; from this unenlightened condition arises every kind of kleśa (क्लेश), i.e. affliction or defilement by the passions, etc. It is one of the three poisons, desire, dislike, delusion.

懶蟲簡明漢英詞典: crazy about; idiotic; silly

康熙字典文字版 【午集中】【疒字部】 痴
【廣韻】丑之切【集韻】抽知切,𠀤音螭。痴疵,病也。一曰不廉。【正字通】俗癡字。 又【集韻】超之切,音遲。痴㾻,不達之貌。
(癡)【唐韻】丑之切【集韻】【韻會】【正韻】超之切,𠀤音鴟。【說文】不慧也。【徐曰】癡者,神思不足。亦病也。【前漢·韋賢傳】今子獨壞容貌,蒙恥辱,爲狂癡,光曜晻而不宣。【後漢·高士傳】侯霸遣使徵嚴光,光曰:侯君房素癡,今小瘥耳。【晉書·王湛傳】湛有隱德,人皆以爲癡。 又古人借書一瓻,還書一瓻,以盛酒酬之也。亦有作癡者。【藝苑雌黃】李濟翁云:借書一癡,惜書二癡,索書三癡,還書四癡。 又【顏氏家訓】人無才思,自謂淸華,江南號爲詅癡符。

陳義孝佛學常見辭彙 又名無明,不明白事理的意思,為三毒之一。

Han-De-Dict: Dummkopf (u.E.) (S)/dumm, sentimental, stupid, töricht (u.E.) (Adj)